Stauron World Net
Is the prophetic and apostolic outreach arm of Stauron, reaching into the spheres of business, media, arts, sports, healthcare and government, as well as ministry and family. Rather than seeking to propagate itself, WorldNet operates as a true apostolic ministry: locating and partnering with existing ministries all over the world, both foreign and domestic.

WorldNet is a gateway through which likeminded leaders find relationship with Stauron
WorldNet partners in diverse Kingdom initiatives such as:
- Church planting in the Philippines,
- Homeschooling conferences in Argentina,
- Medical missions to Haiti,
- Prisoner after-care in Belize,
- Leadership training in Guatemala,
- Sports evangelism and futbol coach development
- Elder Summits in New England
- Mens network in Montreal
- Prophetic conferences in Acapulco
- Apostolic training throughout Colombia
- Entrepreneurship Intensives
- Small Kingdom business start ups world-wide
- Prayer and prophetic advances in Maine
- Orphan care in Uganda
- Apostolic mentoring for ministry and marketplace
- …and more to come