Elders Summit
December 11, 2023
Maine Elders Coalition
Connect, Collaborate, Decree
This year’s Elders Summit is a Holy Convocation. Joining our Elders here in Maine will be Elders and Leaders from throughout New England. A powerful time to connect, council together and love each other.
hosted by the Maine Elder Coalition

During our first two hours together, having fasted and prayed, we will seek the Lords face together in worship and intercession for New England, Israel and Maine
During our catered lunch we will also share Communion and stand together for each others health and shalom.
The afternoon sessions are formatted for presentation/collaboration/action steps. The topics are “Gates”, “Wells” and “Angels”. Working understandings of these three topics are essential as the Ekklesia of Christ advances in these dark and troubled times.
Our final session is our opportunity as a State/Regional Ekklesia, to bind and loose through Holy Spirit led decrees. To speak to mountains and have them move.
Please clear your calendar for the whole day Monday December 11, and register to attend as soon as possible. We all have busy schedules and many important things on our plates. So we are praying for you to have wisdom and courage as you attempt to exercise control over your calendar. Your voice in this season is needed. Please know that your presence is very much desired as we set aside a full day to connect – collaborate – celebrate together in the fear of the Lord. Malachi 3:16-4:6
Grace and shalom to you.
Dr John Eckhardt

Registration Required (free) : December 11, 2023 .
Adult, Pastor or leader | Free |